Conoce a: Juliana Artiñano

Conoce a: Juliana Artiñano

Conoce a Juliana Artiñano ( madre, psicóloga de profesión, profesora de yoga, terapista holística especializada en gemoterapia, sound healing  y...

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Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana Meditation

When I lived in Brazil I heard about a meditation technique called Vipassana. I was amazed to hear the amount...

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What is Astrology?

What is Astrology?

What is Astrology? What happens in the sky is reflected here on earth as the correspondence law states that what...

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Everything has energy so what happens on the outside will be reflected in our internal body. We have centers of...

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Moon Phases

Moon Phases

MOON PHASES We are cyclical, like everything in the universe we go through birth, growth, plenitude and death. Independently of...

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